Summer NAture Immersion
Be sure to scroll down to read important information before registering.
About Our Summer Program
Through The Trees Summer Nature Immersion Program primarily takes place on our Freeport, Maine property - over 50 beautiful wooded acres with trails, gardens, a pond, field and the beautiful Frost Gully Brook. Kids and teens, ages 6-12 spend their time outdoors exploring, learning nature skills, making new friends and having wholesome, unplugged fun! We also offer some off-site adventures for ages 11-17, plus fishing weeks for ages 9-12!
Our dedicated staff primarily includes experienced adults who are Registered Maine Guides (RMG) or RMG-in-training, as well as Teen Mentors who have been participants in our program. Each Guide is trained in (and continues to learn and practice) various wilderness skills, nature literacy and mindfulness tools as well as Wilderness First Aid and CPR. Our team is passionate about being outside in nature and sharing this passion with children and teens in a way that supports responsible risk-taking and self-directed learning and exploration in the natural world.
Participants are outdoors for the duration of their time with us, in all types of weather (unless weather is extreme and unsafe). This helps build resilience, confidence, problem-solving skills and a closer connection to to the natural world.
In all of our Youth Programs we follow the Root Values of our organization:
Be Safe ~ Be Respectful ~ Be Kind ~ Be Responsible ~ Be Mindful ~ Be Your Best Self ~ Have Fun!
“My boys begged to stay at camp at the end of each day and raced to return the next morning. This open, child led, follow your passion, learn new skills, outdoor haven is magical. Thank you to the patient, creative, and kindhearted staff who helped to make Maine summer even more special for our family.”
Important Things to Note Before Registering:
Email us before registering if your child has a severe allergy or medical condition (ex. diabetes, asthma) that requires our attention.
We strongly recommend uploading a photo of your child in the registration form. This is very helpful to our staff.
Please note that your child must be of the correct age by the start of the session they are attending. Additionally, if needed, groups in the same week may be mixed or combined to better accommodate our participants, group dynamics and staffing.
Our bathroom facilities are outdoor wooden structures with composting toilets (outhouse-style) - participants must be able to use these bathrooms independently. Even children with regular bathroom independence may feel uncomfortable using this style of bathroom, so please help us help them by explaining this ahead of time. We also spend time on the first day orienting them to our bathrooms.
Scholarships may be available for Freeport and Pownal residents through Freeport Community Services.
Use Code “FAMILY10” at checkout to receive at 10% discount when registering more than one child in any summer week or trip.
A 4.5% system processing fee is added to all purchases.
Groups and ages may be mixed or combined to better accommodate our participants, group dynamics and staffing.
As a 501(c)3 non profit organization, we strive to make our programs available and affordable for as many families as possible. Scholarship options may be available through Freeport Community Services for Freeport and Pownal residents.
“Look deep into nature and you will understand everything better.”